Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Grandparents - you got to love em...

Who has traveled with their grandparents before? I haven't until yesterday, and it's the funniest thing seeing them fight. Grandma would say "Keith, oh keith, would you stop that?" and all Grandpa ever replies is, "uhuh - stop what? Phillis what are you talking about." Every time she would say something to him that is what he would reply. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing most the time. Then when we would stop somewhere to look around it would take a good 10 minutes before Grandpa would shut off the car and get out. They would be talking about nothing the whole time repeating the same thing over and over again.
Who out there goes camera crazy, takes videos of things that you can see every where? I swear, my Grandpa don't go anywhere, even to the bathrooms without his camera. He has to take a video of everything. We went out to eat and he's taking a video of the waitress taking our order! Sometimes, its alright to leave the camera in the car.
But, I just had the funnest time with them yesterday we went all the way to South Point looking at things, some I have never seen before. I think it was one of my best road trips I've ever had. I laughed, saw new things, and was just taking it easy. No rushing, and it was peaceful. Yesterday, we saw the 60 foot cliff, we say GREEN sand, we saw an ocean of rolling greens, trees big enough to live in, we saw the beauty of Hawaii together. No matter how rediculous grandparents may be, they are the best people to spend time with.

... another big thing about my grandma - she ALWAYS has gum and everytime the subject changes she would ask, "Would you like some gum?" lol... "Well i'll be"

I love you Grandma and Grandpa - God Bless


:) said...

Enjoy them while you can and never take them for granted! I miss mine... :(

Randy said...

That's a pretty funny post Ariel. And just think, you'll probably be just like them when you are a grandparent ...

Anonymous said...

Just a note to let you know how proud we all are of you.