10 years ago I was:
8 years old, probly up in a tree eating apples in illinios on the most beautiful land we have ever owned.
5 years ago I was:
graduating from 8th grade, I wanted to be a professional basketball player
1 year ago I was:
making it through my last year of highschool, and i wanted to do something great.
5 things on my to do list today:
my training
get a phone book
say hi to oliver
wish bree wee a safe flight for canada
seperate all of my cards from the past 3 years
5 snacks I enjoy:
do potatoes count??
nutrition trail mix bar
If I were a billionaire I would:
Buy a bunch of beautiful land, design my own house and build it. Big enough for a normal family
Spread it through my family that needs it in illinios and missouri - even to a few good friends i have
I would own my own recreational company and have an activity for all ages
pay all the bums to get a job and cleaned up on their feet, If they aint doing good after 6 months, that their own fault
I would travel every country! Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, Ireland, Switzerland, Rome, and several , no more than several others.
6 people I want to have lunch with tomorrow:
My Grandparents, My Grandma Savage and grandpa mike, Michael Jordan #23 (he's a star), My Aunt Tammy ( the spencers), Santiago (I owe him), myself
5 places I have lived:
Channahon, Illinios
Coal City, Illinios
Verona, Illinios
Kailua view Estates, Hawaii
Kahakai Estates, Hawaii
5 jobs I have had:
Worked on a Dirtbike track that we owned in illinios
Spokes person for ROTC in Highschool
Worked at Jamba Juice
Waitressed and other things at Pizza Hut
Triathlete training - Ironman yippy!